Sunday, March 30, 2008

The More You Know.....

Don't see 21:

As I've been known to peruse the internets...I came across a situation involving the movie 21 that I found to be equal parts intriguing and equal parts offensive.

21 is based on a true story and deals with a classic bringing-down-the-house case where a team of MIT students devised a counting cards method and raked in millions from Vegas casinos. I wish I could pull that off. Where it gets messy is the fact that in REAL LIFE, the students were all Asian-American, however the film has cast white actors to play the students, perhaps implying that Asian actors wouldn't draw movie-goers to the theaters? Hmm...seems like a stretch

I've heard arguments defending the casting that there "aren't enough recognizable Asian actors" or "maybe this movie needed a more talented actor and they couldn't find the right Asian cast"...My favorite response? "That's like saying there weren't any good black baseball players in the 30's." There's talent out there, they just need a chance.

Which made me wonder...who the HELL is Jim Sturgess?

- Nick

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ehh...First, I heard the film was incredibly boring from all who saw it...

I actually think the arguement "there isn't enough recognizable Asian actors/actresses" is pretty valid. I mean, when you pour millions into a script, production equipment, props, etc., it's probably fiscally unwise to the directors/producers to do anything less than conform to the norm. Of course now one knows who that Sturgess dude is. But he's a clean cut white dude who white movie going girl teenagers probably will think about late at night. Yeah, I'm generalizing the typical movie going demographic, as I'm sure many African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Indian-Americans, & Native Americans visit the movie....But to go any further would be delving into the skin color biased battle we've had for centuries...

The "Asian people" can't sell theory is invalid to me because no one has ever taken the risk and put out a full-length feature (outside of a Kung Fu movie--sorry Jackie Chan, you don't count), so there's no telling what would happen in the end.

We all know this will continue and there's probably no forseeable end in sight. Our world is money driven, and for the most part, white people have dictated it. I think we have the opportunity to change it, but we as people just don't really feel like undertaking such an arduous task..
