Sunday, March 23, 2008

Customer of the week!!!

Generally customer of the week honors are not something to be proud of. It usually means that you've somehow managed to spark fashion related ire from the Compound staff and walk through life totally oblivious to your(at best) horrendous sense of style. I mean, if streetwear people think you look laughable imagine what real people think. To put it succinctly, a CoW winner is a fashion juggernaut destroying all societal norms and values that lay in its path.

But not this week.

CoW winner: Little English girl wearing new love AJ1's!!!

Yeah, I know she probably didn't buy them herself(just like streetwear kids!) or pick them out(come on..just like streetwear kids. Think about it), but she gets a pass for wearing one of the best recent retro+ colors. Unlike her sister. Who was wearing white/cement Spiz'ikes. Ugh. Sorry no pics. I know, I know, once it became blatantly obvious that I was repeatedly trying to take pictures of his preschool aged daughters their father started straight-eyeing me and I had to back off. Awkward-ness ensued.

BONUS: quote of the week!!!

I'm not really sure who Rob Heppler is and and I'm definitely not clear on what it is he does, but I read his blog and I stumbled onto this gem, courtesy of one of his boys:

"Walking through Portland at night, is like walking thought 1930's Cleveland and you are Robocop!"

Kid has one of the most retardedly funny blogs on all of the internets.

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