S a t u r d a y , A u g u s t 2 3, 2 0 0 8It's happened my friends. The Air Yeezys are FINALLY available! A handful of e-bay sellers have apparently garnered exclusive rights to them, so expect your chance to own the "exclusive Nike shoe not found in stores til 2009" to evaporate quickly.
I missed out on both these auctions, but I definitely missed "Shoessmaster" more. Although "Harlemespanol" has the upper hand in colors available and Shoessmaster has zero feedback AND says not to purchase his items if you have "slight doubt," he does sell "100% authentic LV items." So, I would definitely purchase from him first (unless you're specifically looking for that Melo PE Yeezy). Aside from that, Shoessmaster provided a stunning PS of where the Air Yeezy's design cues come from. The Bape Roadsta, I never knew...
1 comment:
With the Caviar store front image, these must be fake.
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