Thursday, August 7, 2008


T h u r s d a y , A u g u s t 7, 2 0 0 8
I want to start a new entry for myself and I figure now that we're getting like 13 views a day this would be a good time. I know some of you out there will enjoy it too. Music is a big part of my life and I take it very seriously.

There is Underground and there is what lies beneath. The things I put up are what lie beneath, they are off the grid, below the radar, lurking in the shadows if you will. Kind of like this Blog! Today I want to put a focus on a young emcee who goes by the title "Son Of Ran". He's a young up and coming emcee from "Sky City", Cali. He's due to have the official album drop soon but in the mean time he kicked over to me the "Tribute to Sky City" mixtape which is stellar even though many songs are from 2006.

The rap game is filled with "hipster" rap, which isn't all bad. I mean, it's like mainstream music that's fun and light hearted, it's just in the end it has no substance or sustainability. It is a fad, and as trends in clothing move on so will the rap game apparently. Could we possibly see rappers from Superfuture, and I'm not talking bout a kanye!

The point is, I see music moving back into a direction of "Heart"! When a person puts themselves in the music, mind, body and soul. This is what I get from "Son Of Ran." He makes you aware of his position in life and what he's about, who he is and especially where he is from. I can appreciate it when somebody has the guts to do that. Although at times these artist don't come off as polished or accomplished they're doing something that those in the mainstream are afraid to do. That's be themselves!



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