M o n d a y , A u g u s t 1 8, 2 0 0 8Today I went into the living room and flipped on the tube. I'm channel surfing in the 550's region to scope out the HBO scene. To a welcomed surprise, a movie appears that has been lost from my recent and the historically significant regions of my memory. How could I forget about this amazing spectacle, a cinematic adventure? This film embodies the passions of a young Dane Cook tagging along with an older but much wiser Dennis Rodman. The original Bad Boy, and let me tell you he pulls no punches here either!
"Tell me whats going on here before I go Picasso on your ass and rearrange your face."
Take that bad guys and if you don't like it, suck one. Oh don't worry, DC makes some amazing one liners too. "These guys keep coming, they're like school loan officers." You know, or something like that. Knowing all of that you've got to be thinking to yourself, how does it get better? A maniacal Boss with henchman who took makeup tips from such great movies as A ClockWork Orange and The Warriors, that's how it gets better. Simon Sez is the epitome of what's wrong with American cinema today. Take that as a shot at the movie or a shot at the films of today that might pale in comparison to the almighty glory of SIMON SEZ!!!
Peace to your mothers!
a sneak peek at next week's extravaganza...Can you say Schneider, Rodman, Van Damme!!!
- Keith
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