F r i d a y , A u g u s t 2 9, 2 0 0 8Day 2.
7:15 wakeup. 8:30 first meeting w/ HUGE. Yikes.
You can't carry more than five sheets of paper in there. And that IS a purse. AND you're wearing gold shoes. What the hell were you thinking.
Perry Ellis. Home of the most confusing labyrinth styled booth there. Good lord this is massive.
Had to register at Pool. Pre-registering is for suckers. That's where I overheard a 26-year-old girl meet back up with her boyfriend after a quick bathroom break.
"That was a dump. I did not expect to eat that much earlier."
Arrived to Pool. Scheming on the American Apparel girls. Just one of 'em. I swear, Chris Hanson.
AA crew. Girlie on the left was a cutie. Velma was weak.
I'm a slogan genius.
Quality (tanner)Goods.
Crushed red pepper. Mmmm.
Sam Hecklewood Jr. Nicest guy ever. Never not networking.
Here's what I don't understand about Pool and Magic. How can you spend [I'm assuming] months "designing" a string of shirts, fly across the country to a place where you'll blow all your money, not set up any meetings at all for three straight days, and sit there pathetically while nobody gives a got damn about your disastrous attempt at fashion. Anti Camouflage? Reeeally? Makes sense they don't have a real website.
Why not put all your eggs in one basket? On trucker hats. For 2009.
Pool in a nutshell.
UNTIL I saw 3Sixteen. Now that's a clothing brand. Great guys behind it doesn't hurt either.
In a rush to some Nike shindig. Knocked out some shitty food at our Imperial Palace hotel buffet.
Monorail to the MGM and a bit late to the Nike Happy Hour. Turns out they had an extensively catered spread all set up, all the while my stomach wanted to die inside of me. Thanks Palace.
After that, flew over to the Beauty Bar downtown for the Vice Cream Social to meet up with the crew.
Perused downtown. Saw 4 hookers.
And here I present to you....the first installment of Dem Is Fire.
1 comment:
Inspiration and Innovation are the only words that can describe "Truck" Trucker Hats. Any word on release dates??
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