Friday, August 15, 2008

PLC 4 . . . Fine Malt Liquor

F r i d a y , A u g u s t 1 5, 2 0 0 8
Keith I see your Bus rider of the week and raise you a Father and Kids!

"Who's my little hornet?"
What is that on his right leg ??? It resembles the Mickey's Malt liquor logo

A Closer look . . . it is a tattoo of the Mickey's Logo!
It might not be as bad as this One (ok not a 1 but a dunk) or this One
(please check out the source of the last one )

Still, any corporate tattooing especially without getting paid for the advertisement is a PLC (Poor Life Choice) in my mind.

Typical Portland hipster turned family man . . . You gotta love Portland!
Nice Socks


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

2 things....

* Why were YOU at this picnic/event/white people gathering?

* Mickey's is the BEST. I'll have you know the box logo was the 2nd sticker I put on my laptop.
