W e d n e s d a y , A u g u s t 27, 2 0 0 8
Back again. This installment focuses on interesting pens. These are a couple of beauties. Not only are they functional, but one promises better posture of all things, and the other is handmade in Italy.
First up: Falter 2D pen
The goods on this baby: You get that circuit board panel you see at the top, and YOU turn that into the pen you see underneath. Fun, right? The kit includes the tool you'll need for bending the panels into the correct shapes. I think this could be really cool. Since you build it yourself, everyone's could have a slightly different personality. Here's the irony: It says handmade in Italy, but since you put it together, isn't it handmade wherever you are?
via dvice
Buy one here
Next: The YoropenFrom Random-Good-Stuff.com
-jt"Uniquely designed for more comfortable and strain-free writing, the Yoropen’s award winning ergonomic shape helps relax your fingers when writing, thus reducing muscle fatigue. Ideal for lefties, the Yoropen has three unique design features that make it mightier than your average pen. Made in Taiwan.
Finger Support
Yoropen’s offset portion prevents your fingers from slipping down towards the pen tip; thus improving posture, saving energy and reducing writing strain.
Clear Field of Vision
A unique change of angle ensures the writer can clearly see what he/she is writing since your fingers do not obstruct the field of vision.
Adjustable grip
Features a tripod grip that can be adjusted to your preferred writing position. Left-handers simply twist to the left.
Ideal for Left-Handers
Yoropen creates a clear field of vision for left-handers and prevents hooking and smudging of work!"
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