S a t u r d a y , A u g u s t 2, 2 0 0 8In case you've been hiding under a Bose noise canceling rock for the past seven months, 2008 is the official year of hipster douchebag rap. Yeah, they went up on it, bought it and wrapped 2008 in Louie Murakamiflauge -- so don't act like they didn't.
We all know the holy trinity: Kanye, Lupe and Pharrell. So, we're gonna focus on some of the burgeoning names in hipster douchebag rap today.
Kidz in the Hall

They are not driving-- they are hang gliding.
Kidz in the hall (or Kidz as the...kids(?) call them?) burst onto the scene with their single "Driving Down the Block." I admit it, I liked it, so I bought the album. The album, which features two good songs (Driving down the block AND Driving Down the Block (REMIX)), reminded me of another lackluster album, in the sense that it sucked, by a recent born-again hipster.
But there was one redeeming quality about it: The album featured a guest appearance on almost EVERY track, thus by cutting down on the total time they were rapping (I take it the executive producer has been around the block a time or two--ZING!). They split nineteen guest appearances among fourteen songs. With those kind of numbers it was a safety orange case and a Mr. Serv-on spot away from being a No Limit album. Oh the possibilities...
The Cool Kids
Tatted like a Yakuza member this guys a little different than the others. No he doesn't have street cred (he was chain jacked by Spider Loc and 40 Glocc) and no, he didn't make his way into the music biz on his own (see his "Music" video), but his skeletal frame does make white girls quiver.
Enough coke has been used in the making of this picture to make any of these rappers tolerable.
Wale might not have full blown HDR, but he manages to keep a good balance between not being a hipster douchebag and being a HUGE hipster douchebag. He raps about Nikes, selvedge and will remix any thing, any time, any place.

Wale might not have full blown HDR, but he manages to keep a good balance between not being a hipster douchebag and being a HUGE hipster douchebag. He raps about Nikes, selvedge and will remix any thing, any time, any place.
Ira = #1 hater of B.O.P.
Ira I hate to say it but I think tyga might be bigger than you (skeletal frame)!
Bop's #2 hater Cam
He's definitely got more Gucci(shudder)...
I agree with a lot of this but I refuse to accept most of your reviews on music do to the simple statement you made a few months back. "I can't tell the difference between good singing and bad singing". Sincere you were, when making that statement above. I know it mostly comes down to opinion but while NAS's album isn't the greatest album ever or in my top ten I do feel that it is a solid performance through out and that it is to complex for the sean kingston crowd. However it is not that complex it's just that most of that crowd couldn't clearly understand the plot of Idiocracy let alone an influential, heartfelt lyrics driven work that is Nas's *$%ger album.
I should just start posting john brown material.
john brown > this post.
John Brown > Nas' new album.
I hate John Brown, too.
Wow...now I know who artists talk about when they say f*** the blogs. Are you kidding me??? I am far from a hipster and I consider myself a HUGE Hip Hop Head..How can you even shit on Naledge? The Kidz in the Hall album is far better than you and half the other critics make it out to be. It's people like you who caused classic groups like Poor Righteous Teacher's to get shelved. AND WALE???? Are you kidding me?? I have seen this dude perform like 5-6 times. He is far from some sort of hipster artist. Your review really causes me to question whether you actually listen to their music or whether you listen to songs that get played out on the net and the radio. The quality of the artists has nothing to do with their following and I will admit that groups like the Cool Kids do have a hipster following, but that is not their fault. It's one of the phases the youth is going through right now...I know this is long, but I love hip hop and I was appalled by this post...
I second that Iv. But hey that's his opinion, I respect it.
And I do gotta add that The Cool Kids are one of my favorite duos in hip hop. Hipster is just a label, hip hop is hip hop.
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