Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Feast.

S u n d a y , A u g u s t 3, 2 0 0 8
So last month when JT and his girl moved into a new apartment, they were told they couldn't house any "exotic pets." This meant they'd be forced to find a home for their beloved Reeses the snake. Sure enough, I got suckered into giving the young gun a roof, and while I can barely feed and take care of myself, I was told there were no feeding requirements and all I'd have to do is turn a light on and off every morning and fill the water up once a month. Seemed simple enough.

For food, the snake enjoys one serving size of a whole mouse every month. Sorry to everyone who requested a heads up for when the feeding would take place, but I figured I'd capture it on film as a last resort. The plan of attack is pounce the mouse, strangle it to death, and lastly eat it all in one go. Kinda impressive I guess. I haven't seen this much throat skill since.....

[Warning -- Fairly graphic if you're into animal loving and that stuff.]

The Approach:

The Home Stretch:

And just the tail remaining. Good work.



Anonymous said...

What if the Acrop offered "SNAKE BITES". Hmmm than it could be interesting.

Anonymous said...

Nick you def. missed your calling in life, This sounded like a cheezy porn director, Oh there it goes, thats a great shot!


Anonymous said...

Come on son. I've been filming home videos of 5am sessions w/ 10's for YEARS.

And Keith -- Stage 2 offered MOSQUITO BITES if that counts for anything.


Anonymous said...

So was that a mouse or a *cough* rat *cough*

Anonymous said...

Probably gonna delete that one too huh?