Thursday, August 7, 2008

BusRider of the Week: Summer has a Nemisis

T h u r s d a y , A u g u s t 7, 2 0 0 8
This one doesn't need much introduction. However, my man is in an epic battle of magnificent proportions with the likes of an opponent unmatched in recent history. He is ultimately making the fashion statement that 'I can outshine Summer herself and not to do her in but to tame her with the intricacies of a diabolic plan.' That plan invigorates the zest I have for summer's eye popping weather and my understanding of the art of dress.

Whether it is girls wearing less or the opportunity to rock the shoes you've kept in the dark recesses of your basement, Summer is here and waiting but has no idea what my friend has in store for her. His ultimate passion, dream, terrorist takeover tactic includes.... extreme color coordination. Concaving on your face with an ultimate yellow Polo, ankle length plaid shorts and the best $19.99 outlet pick up you can find.

Boom, take that Summer! I bet you weren't expecting it.




Anonymous said...

How can you hate on his matching skills when you do stuff like this..


Just sayin..

Anonymous said...

Haha, that was a long time ago and I was killig the game with my japanese import hat. Stil got it too! I will say he can't touch one of my opening outfits I wore during the first week of highschool and no it wasn't the first day when I rocked grey structure cargo pants, orange tee with a white adidas logo and the white/orange striped adidas superstars. No it was later on that week when I wore a Dada Lime green shirt, jean shorts and white with lime green accents Mountain Gear sneakers..... ugh I was doin it ten years ago.....(oh god its been almost ten years)

Anonymous said...

I didn't open the pics or read the response, but I'm guessing from the length(too long for my feeble mind) of the response. The score stands at Derek 1, Keith 0...