Monday, August 25, 2008

Pony x Mikey

M o n d a y , A u g u s t 2 5, 2 0 0 8
Congrats to Mikey. First samples of his shoe w/ Pony just came in. It's part of the four shoe project we started back in May. They're a hi-top, strapped up, smokey-spired shoe called the Special Blend. HOT shoe.

And Mikey's middle name is actually he got that stitched in under the tongue. Ozo - go figure.


Line Art is awesome. Mine (black/purple/carbon) are on the way.

Big thanks to Chad Little, Capt Colin and Kyle Pulli for making this happen.

Just landed in Vegas (waiting for Ira)....should be a decent week.



Anonymous said...

They look like Jordan 20 rip-offs

B said...

shut up ira

B said...



Anonymous said...

Black history month is gonna be PISSED you stole their colors.