Monday, August 18, 2008

Chainsaw Maid

M o n d a y , A u g u s t 1 8, 2 0 0 8
I have been sitting on this little gem for awhile now. I couldn't quite find the right time or reason to post it, but what the heck. It's fun and fresh, so no need for any other reason. It's kind of a dreary day here in Portland, so that kind of fits with the atmosphere you would expect to compliment this clip.

Here is a bit of a warning, if you don't like claymation blood, turn away now. That means you Nick.

Source: youtube from Takena



Anonymous said...

I'm repulsed and embarrassed to be associated with the person responsible for this post.

Anonymous said...

Hell no I'm not watchin that...

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite posts lately. It made me think of American Psycho (the chainsaw) and I found it odd how frustrated I was when she kept her top on?
