Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Step Brother: Where are you now?

W e d n e s d a y , A u g u s t 2 0, 2 0 0 8
So, I wonder where my Step Brother Tim is? I haven't seen him in probably 8 years or longer. My Mom and his Dad are no longer together, haven't been for quite some time. I always think I see him because he used to hang around the artsy music/poetry scene in Portland during the mid-late 90's. Which pretty much found ground in S.E., especially in the Hawthorne district before it became its own version of 23rd. This is where I spent a lot of my adolescent years living with my Dad. I still live here just with a couple of these other boneheads from the B.O.P. The art scene has moved DT and flourished there and in the Alberta district.

So here is a video shout out to my step brother Tim, thanks for introducing GWAR and other crazy stuff to my life. May your leather be smooth, the piercings jingle and the Dr. Martins wear down a little bit less today.

- Keith


Anonymous said...

I know the video is old but damn it's funny and I needed something to go along with a post about my Step Brother 'cause thats just weird anyway. Not to mention it's similar to the kanye "Jocking Jay-Z" beat.

Anonymous said...

you have a step brother?

comment on your own post for the W

Anonymous said...

Fear not step brother, I am of the BOP faithful and here I wait for your return with ardent arms. I have enjoyed your columns here on the "internet", though I must say Ira happens to be my favorite BOP member. He is quite the rapscallion, isn't he? It will be a joyous occasion when we embrace once again!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot to mention I was adopted by Odin, chief god of Asgard, that's why I talk like that.