Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sometimes Things Just Suck

T h u r s d a y , A u g u s t 1 4, 2 0 0 8
So yea, here is a youtube video of Madison covering the Weezy extravaganza that is "Lollipop." I warn you that this is so bad that you should watch it. That way you can feel at peace with killing yourself afterwards. Colin Munroe's cover/remake of "Flashing Lights" is beyond superior to this travesty!


Source: Hypetrak (what)

- Keith


Anonymous said...

holy shit that was BRUTAL.

I was expecting different lines or something...but around the 1minute mark I realized I was in for one of the worst musical experiences of my life. And this chick was serious too.

Waxamillion > That



E Weezie said...

Garboge! She really IS serious. Nick, I hope you run into her on the court.

Anonymous said...

Oh no. That was worse than an elephant stomping on my nether regions for an hour and a half. Instead of killing myself, I think I will kill you for subjecting me to that. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I actually like it. No jokes, I need a zshare.