Saturday, May 3, 2008

It's a wRAP!!!

It has come to my attention that a Portland staple is coming to an unfortunate end. Over the last what 12+ years we (Portland) have grown to despise a piece of culture that exists in all cities across the country -- The urban music radio station. I was a huge proponent of this station in its glory days when none other than Rasheed Wallace would deejay his own show.

I can't quite pinpoint what went wrong with the station but I have a gut feeling it wasn't all their own doing. At this time though I would like to invite any JAMMIN worker to come on our blog and get a chance to air out anything and everything they have to say about the station's demise. Just email us, it's right on the side of the page and of course we respect anonymity.

So as I was saying I don't think it's all their fault, I believe a lot of it has to do with the see through nature of Rap Music. What I mean is, Rap is very translucent to the Music Elitist down to your average schmo. Everybody sees through the lies and BS that is engulfing the urban radio airwaves. I for one have watched this classic downfall of a giant take place over the last several several years (the music elitist in me). Rap is fickle, caused by its lack of creativity, truthfulness and desire of those "artists" to only make money. Only when people stop looking at Rap as a monetary venture will it regain its credibility. I could go on forever but I don't want to make the rest of the BOP salty.

In summation I believe that the erosion of Rap Music and its culture have caused this backlash against our poor little 95.5 but one day soon we will gain another station that will forcibly beat no talent ass-clowns against our ear drums too. I do have another theory though, I understand PK and the Playhouse have done well for themselves, will they move on? I'm sure somebody will pick them up. But, maybe they spent too much of the station's money buying things like this......

I'll especially miss this truck...


1 comment:

jester said...

i'm not gonna lie, that family feud shit was pretty funny. lol.