Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Epic Journey!

This one left shoe has been in the customizing stages for well over a year now and it's finally done! I made these for Shoe Designer Justin Taylor of And 1 but mostly B.O.P. fame. The idea was that he would give each guy of Above The Clouds one side and let us do whatever we want to them. You should expect the other side to show up with in the next year. This is what I came up with. Obviously I was inspired by all the Jurassic Park movies which are his favorite movies but one sweet detail I added on the low low was an actual laser etching of his Final Senior Design Project in College. The Tyrannosaurus Rex on the medial side heel. Check the pics............

future of this custom: I'll update with pics of the first piece I did which was a custom wood box to hold the shoes, he received that during Christmas to leave him in anticipation of the kicks. Also the right shoe should drop someday soon!

- Keith aka Hokum of ATC


Anonymous said...

AND1 fame, huh?

Dane said...

Ill...Those look nice.

Anonymous said...

Word. These are beautiful. The lase etching is butter. Awesome job on these man--the epitome of dope customization!


Anonymous said...

I respect your Drive, the laser etching is cool, but these are UGLY, allot of your customs are Ugly, You have good ideas, but your execution never turns out good. The color combo is Ugly and I would never wear them. I do like the Laser etching , that's pretty cool. I've seen some of your past customs, and not one was cool looking or something I would Rock. Plus your Logo is kinda wack. But these are all my Opinions, and I'm not anybody special, so keep doing your thing. Again, I do respect your drive and the fact that you still pump out customs is cool, I just think you could do better designs, and better color combos.

Anonymous said...

i respect your drive too

how much drive me so crazy with the craziness that you drive

Anonymous said...

dereck more like derelict = a person abandoned by society, esp. a person without a means of support.

Come on these are Nice! Don't think many would support your thoughts above.


Anonymous said...

Jurassic Park themed shoes? Come on. These are corny and fugly. Corfugly. Fugorni. However, if I was 8, these would be the coolest things I've ever seen. But, I'd be afraid to wear them for fear of getting noogied.

B said...

you just dont get it

Anonymous said...

JT simply LOVES Jurassic Park and dinosaurs -- hence the theme.

He's also part Portuguese -- hence the colorway.

You shoulda shown a pic of the heel pod...that was also a nice touch.
