Friday, April 4, 2008

I raise you Ira!

Often I'll get some odd emails about terrible new clothing/footwear brands that are desperate for attention.

Today's email struck a special place in my heart.

Thanks to Scott from Ripple Junction...I was made aware that:

Los Angeles,CA (March 31, 2008) – Ripple Junction today announced a partnership with Warner Bros. Consumer Products to manufacture and distribute Seinfeld apparel in North America. Ripple Junction designs will feature the main characters and timeless taglines on shirts from the classic sit-com, and products are slated to hit retailers’ shelves this April.

Now, I personally LOVED the show (you're not off the hook though Kramer....) and...well...rather than go on about how this "partnership" doesn't have a chance in hell of working...I'll let you be the judge.

Ok -- this one is actually hilarious. Spongeworthy. Ha.

You're right. If this tanks, at least the designer could easily be hired within the industry.

- Nick


Anonymous said...

I want the "I Can't Spare A Square" shirt cause you know i'm that greedy and selffish.


Anonymous said...

The ingenuity incorporated into the above product is stifiling...


Unknown said...

Cam sighting?

Third pic up from the bottom.